Live Seminar

Healing Your Origin | Personal Process Work

Safety can be learned through a better understanding of our Nervous System

Dalai Lama

Do you have a theme in which you would like to go deeper?

We love to offer you a 2-day live seminar in which there is a lot of time and space to explore your personal themes.  Every participant gets his/her/their own time block. With the help of the group as a supportive field, this theme is further explored. Together we surrender into collective healing. Every process is unique and different.

Therapist or coach?

Are you interested in how we approach these processes and how we work with trauma related issues?  These 2-days are an unique opportunity for you to experience how we work with these processes. Since we invite the group to participate in every process, it is an excellent opportunity for you to learn through your own experience. We believe that even without bringing in your own theme, you will take away something valuable for your own personal process.


We are going through a challenging time. Our normal habitual ways of living are being disrupted, which can trigger old wounds, stress or fear. This situation can also open up a space for deep inquiry and transformation that is not possible when we are embedded in our usual habits. This seminar wants to invite conditions to recognize the deeper forces at work and we can prepare the ground for an evolutionary opportunity of growth. Our early experiences reach deep into our somatic, emotional, energetic and spiritual make-up. It is this heightened vulnerability that requires a safe space. This special space allows for slowness, listening, mindfulness, gentleness as well as attentive presence to invoke healing in the different levels of our being-nature.

Healing factors to balance:

  • Calming down the body
  • (Self) Centering
  • Connection


What we will offer?

  • A safe space with a small group
  • Time for each process to unfold (max. 8 people with an own process)
  • Mindfulness and attentiveness with yourself
Our working tools:

  • Body based trauma work
  • Wisdom & intuition of the group – the group is participating in the process
  • Spirituality
What do you get out of it?

  • Healing of your wounds
  • More connection with yourself and the group
  • Increase intimacy with yourself
  • Extra resources which you could use in your daily life